Take 5 To Save Lives Campaign Highlights the Most Important Ways to Engage in Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a global public health concern and the National Council for Suicide Prevention works to advance suicide prevention through leadership, advocacy, and a collective voice. Recently the members of the National Council for Suicide Prevention launched a new “Take 5 to Save Lives” suicide prevention campaign in recognition and support of World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) — an annual, global event observed on September 10. The campaign’s main tool, www.take5tosavelives.org, encourages everyone to complete several action steps to prevent suicide using 5 important themes: LEARN, KNOW, DO, TALK, and…

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Take 5 Campaign Supports World Suicide Prevention Day

The members of the National Council for Suicide Prevention launched the annual Take 5 to Save Lives suicide prevention campaign in recognition and support of World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD)– an annual event held on September 10. The campaign’s main tool, www.take5tosavelives.org, is a website that encourages everyone to take five minutes out of their day to complete five prevention-focused action steps.   In partnership with the World Health Organization, the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) established the first WSPD in 2003 as part of a global effort to…

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