In wine, there’s truth, so let the drunk me show you the real me.

I’m a copywriter turned art director who loves getting into trouble. Together with many great creatives, I fucked with Cannes Lions, confused many Canadians, ruined Doritos’ #1-selling product, opened an asylum for Chinese gamers amid strict gaming restrctions, and put Burger King ads on top of McDonald’s restaurants. When not messing around, I make friends with aliens by translating IKEA manuals. No Alien’s impression so far. Did I do anything beautiful? Yes, I wrote Haikus to intrigue a nation into reading books.

I was lucky to work at some nice shops. Among these no-one-giving-a-fuck stuff, my greatest achievement was secretly turning an agency into my home for 6 months. Yeah, I hit rock bottom during that (fun) time:) 

Currently, I’m teaming up with Quynh (an I-will-kill-to-work-with creative) at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. Our team portfolio is coming soon.

If you know how a man can get pregnant, please DM me – I want to have a second brain for big, big ideas. If you don’t but still want to chat, drop me a note.

(Drunk) Toan.