Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

Cerdanyola del Vallès is a municipality located in Catalonia, Spain.
City population
Member since
Mr Carlos Cordón Núñez
Focal point
Mr David Muñoz Valle


Cerdanyola del Vallès has a comprehensive lifelong learning vision in place that prioritizes accessibility and inclusivity across different age groups and sectors. The municipality’s medium-term objectives focus on enhancing educational accessibility, developing strategies for youth and older adults, and promoting social inclusion. Long-term goals include combating school segregation, fostering innovation and aligning educational activities with sustainability policies. The city aims to leverage its identity as a ‘city of knowledge’ to guarantee opportunities for all citizens.

Cerdanyola is a paragon of innovation and collective progress, a city where the transfer of knowledge is at the service of the welfare of its citizens.

Mr Carlos Cordón Núñez
Mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
The city aims to raise awareness of sustainable practices, focusing on waste collection, energy saving and sustainable travel. As regards health, the city collaborates with local health care providers to deliver the Cerdanyola Educa programme, which addresses issues ranging from emotional well-being to the prevention of risky behaviours across all age groups.
Equity and inclusion
The city offers universal services such as home care, teleassistance, and scholarships. The Cerdanyola Educa programmes focuses on gender and LGBT+ education. Additionally, Cerdanyola collaborates with the Education 360 Alliance in order to combat the educational segregation of vulnerable students.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
Cerdanyola del Vallès aims to raise awareness of entrepreneurial culture across all educational levels. It is also working to offer business courses for entrepreneurs and training in telematics for job seekers. These initiatives are spearheaded by the Economic Promotion and Employment Service, and are developed with a focus on fostering entrepreneurial culture and decent work.

Good practices

Cerdanyola, City of Knowledge (Ciudad del Conocimiento)
This city council initiative is designed to make the city a hub for knowledge transfer, addressing the needs of companies, entrepreneurs, educators and researchers. It aims for effective collaboration among universities, public administrations and businesses, steering the city towards a knowledge-based economy.
Talent Factory
In 2023, the city launched a talent and entrepreneurship programme targeting secondary and baccalaureate students. The programme guides students, offering them training, guidance and mentorship to assist them in generating ideas and developing a business plan. The first Talent Factory involved 10 secondary schools and 797 student participants.
Cerdanyola Educa
This locally funded initiative, designed for students aged 0–18, fully subsidizes more than 230 extracurricular educational activities during school hours. The programme seeks to diversify learning experiences and foster a cohesive, active and critical citizenry. Activities cover a broad range of subjects and issues, from historical knowledge and the arts to environmental education, healthy living habits and diversity.