Azogues, Ecuador

Azogues is the capital of the Cañar Province in Ecuador
City population
Member since
Mr Javier Serrano Cayamcela
Focal point
Ms Emily Adriana Riera Alvarez


The city aims to address low literacy and digital literacy challenges by implementing a multiphase plan that involves creating educational communities, forming partnerships with public institutions and universities, and establishing a curriculum calendar. Additionally, Azogues seeks to nurture social and emotional skills in individuals of all ages, promoting education for peace and leadership.

Azogues is a city of learning that deserves global attention so that the world can learn that you don’t need to be great to be the best, but you do need unity, knowledge and perseverance.

Mr Javier Serrano Cayamcela
Mayor of Azogues

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Azogues is prioritizing a citizen economy based on community feedback. The city will further support citizen entrepreneurship with workshops catering to the broader sustainability needs of Azogues.
Equity and inclusion
The city has an inclusion support unit, UDAI, aimed at children with specific needs. Azogues is working towards creating universally accessible spaces, and employs visual symbols or language cues to enhance navigation.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city emphasizes productivity through educational workshops in agriculture. Moreover, Azogues encourages entrepreneurship by offering educational tours and empowering citizens to generate business ideas to fulfil unmet local needs.

Good practices

Decontamination of the Burgay River and environmental awareness campaigns
A three-phase project is under way to decontaminate the Burgay River in Azogues. Additionally, a treatment plant has been built to eliminate pollution, accompanied by awareness campaigns to discourage river pollution and promote responsible tourism.