Bikok, Cameroon

Bikok is located in the Centre Region of Cameroon, to the south of the country’s capital city of Yaoundé.
City population
Member since
Ms Crescence Odette Bala Menyengue
Focal point
Mr Basile Yannick Assoubou Evina


The city aims to improve participatory governance, the well-being of children and communities, and the overall health of the population. In the long term, its objectives include controlling urbanization, strengthening the local economy, reducing youth unemployment by encouraging the establishment and creation of SMEs, and creating attractive leisure areas.

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Bikok, which is partly rural with extensive forests, promotes initiatives to educate children about reforestation, hygiene and sanitation, and to increase the number of green spaces within the municipality. The aim of these sustainable development initiatives is to preserve health and the environment in order to combat pollution and protect people’s health.
Equity and inclusion
The municipality promotes non-discrimination and gender equality, with a focus on protecting children from violence, eradicating forced marriages, and preventing HIV and pregnancy in schools. Actions include capacity-building for religious leaders and traditional chiefs, and awareness campaigns for women’s associations.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The municipality supports agriculture, livestock farming, hunting, fishing and trade. It encourages the creation of community groups and cooperatives to improve production and marketing. It provides agricultural equipment and organizes training for entrepreneurs, particularly young people. Partnerships have been established to promote entrepreneurship through decentralized cooperation.

Good practices

‘Commune amie des enfants’ (Child-friendly municipality)
This is the fruit of a partnership with UNICEF, which aims to make all children’s rights a reality in Bikok and contribute to a sustainable approach to education, health and sanitation.
Clean School
This project aims to educate and train children and young people in the importance of reforestation and hygiene as a means of ensuring health and protecting nature.
‘Le salon du livre de la jeunesse’ (Youth book fair)
This competition encourages schools to inspire a passion for literature, while also promoting African history and the works of Cameroonian writers.