Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava is Slovakia’s capital and largest city. It is situated on the Danube River and borders both Austria and Hungary.
City population
Member since
Mr Matúš Vallo
Focal point
Ms Ema Tesarčíková


Bratislava is committed to building a strong educational network, fostering expert collaboration and tackling educational challenges. By enhancing institutional cooperation, promoting innovative teaching and launching a lifelong learning portal, the city aims for educational excellence. With aspirations to champion innovation, improve the attractiveness of teaching and bridge generational gaps, Bratislava also plans to introduce a youth platform, advocate for teacher salaries and standardize school evaluations.

The city is governed by the principle that every resident has the right to access education. The Bratislavan education system is inclusive and innovative. It humanizes education and supports the mental health of students and teachers.

Mr Matúš Vallo
Mayor of Bratislava

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Bratislava promotes a healthy lifestyle by offering various sports facilities and supporting sports events. It encourages sustainable practices by reducing waste and fostering the use of reusable products. The city also provides infrastructure for a circular economy, facilitating resource efficiency and waste prevention.
Equity and inclusion
Free educational opportunities for older adults are offered through initiatives like the Bratislava Summer University. These programmes cover diverse topics and promote intergenerational connections and lifelong learning. Additionally, the city supports non-governmental organizations focusing on older residents and inclusive activities, striving to create a more vibrant and inclusive environment for older adults.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
Through initiatives such as the Tourist Guide Course, Bratislava enables residents to become professionally accredited guides, offers opportunities for entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, and fosters sustainable employment options within the city.

Good practices

Memorandum of Understanding with UNICEF Slovakia
The city is committed to offering refugee children and host communities comprehensive support, including education, health care and social services. Initiatives provide equitable learning opportunities, psychosocial support and Slovak language courses for young Ukrainian refugees. These efforts promote integration and well-being.
Studia Academica Slovaca one-semester programme
To enhance the integration of foreign children, a one-semester programme, run by Studia Academica Slovaca and affiliated with Comenius University in Bratislava, offers specialized training in Slovak language teaching methods. This initiative primarily targets primary and secondary school teachers, equipping them to teach Slovak as a foreign language.