Galati, Romania

Galati is a port city located on the Danube River in eastern Romania.
City population
Member since
Mr Ionuț-Florin Pucheanu
Focal point
Mr Cristi-Marian Ochiu


Galati’s Sustainable Development Strategy emphasizes lifelong learning in shaping a ‘city for people’. Medium-term objectives include modernizing educational facilities, expanding quality education in disadvantaged areas, promoting equitable lifelong learning access and enhancing Galati’s reputation as a learning city. The city’s long-term goals focus on facility upgrades, preparing young people for lifelong learning, ensuring inclusive educational access for people of all ages, embedding sustainability in education, fostering a citywide learning culture, and bolstering international cooperation.

It is our duty to do absolutely everything in our power to invest massively in the education of our children, for their future.

Mr Ionuț-Florin Pucheanu
Mayor of Galati

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
The city integrates sustainability into urban planning, developing green spaces and cycle paths, and promoting efficient public transportation options, such as electric and hybrid vehicles. At the same time, community health centres, sporting events like the Semimaraton Galati, and waste management programmes promote health and sustainable living.
Equity and inclusion
Galati promotes equity and inclusion by offering financial support to disadvantaged students, and embracing diversity through European exchange programmes. The city actively works to reduce inequalities by establishing employment opportunities, and it has a system of participatory governance in place that enables citizens to influence policies and programmes that address equity and inclusion.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city works to align educational and vocational training with job market needs. An Erasmus+ funded project boosts entrepreneurial skills for public sector employees. Additionally, the BluAct project, an Interreg-funded initiative, supports aspiring entrepreneurs, preparing them for external investment opportunities.

Good practices

Dual Vocational Education and Training Consortium
Galati city’s consortium, involving local institutions and businesses, promotes dual vocational education to bridge education and employment gaps. By partnering with businesses, students acquire practical skills and insights into real-world work scenarios, ensuring a qualified workforce tailored to the local economy’s needs.
Integrated campus with technology infrastructure
Galati’s new integrated campus combines education institutions with advanced technological infrastructure, promoting collaboration and innovation. Equipped with state-of-the-art resources, it integrates technology into education, preparing students for the digital age and boosting local industries.
University programmes for older adults at Dunarea de Jos University
Galati, collaborating with Dunarea de Jos University, introduced Romania’s first university programmes for older adults, offering a range of arts and technology-related courses. This initiative champions lifelong learning, active aging and community engagement, underscoring Galati’s commitment to inclusive, innovative education for all ages.