Ocotal, Nicaragua

Ocotal is a city located in northern Nicaragua, serving as the capital of the Nueva Segovia Department.
City population
Member since
Ms Xiomara Tercero López
Focal point
Ms Samantha Nineth López Rodríguez


Ocotal's vision is to boost its economic, social, cultural and environmental development through learning, by consolidating knowledge-producing networks, ensuring inclusive learning and preserving values. Long-term goals include enhancing technological innovation for sustainable economic development, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and promoting research, innovation and environmental education as well as entrepreneurship.

Strengthening learning and education for economic and social development helps human beings evolve and advance, and improves quality of life and social well-being.

Ms Xiomara Tercero López
Mayor of Ocotal

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Institutions including the ministry of health (MINSA), universities and private educational entities train citizens in health knowledge to ensure broader access to health care. Programmes like My Life Without Drugs promote healthy practices and provide support to at-risk youth through vocational training. A dedicated family and community health programme (MOSAFC) focuses on direct health care and disease prevention in the city’s neighbourhoods.
Equity and inclusion
The city is committed to providing free, equitable and high-quality education, ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds have access to learning. Additionally, Ocotal supports inclusive learning by establishing art schools, museums and cultural centres. Ocotal offers a range of educational programmes, including the ‘Nicaragua Fuerza Bendita’ (Sacred Force) programme for entrepreneurship and the ‘Yo sí puedo’ (Yes I Can) literacy programme.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
Through its Vocational Technological Centre (INATEC), Ocotal is offering technical education programmes that empower disadvantaged individuals through apprenticeships that foster the creation of new enterprises. Additionally, the municipality has introduced policies and initiatives that disseminate new knowledge, formally acknowledge the work of small business owners, and create learning opportunities for the population at large.

Good practices

‘Escuelas de Oficio y Escuelas Tecnológicas’ (Trade Schools and Technological Schools)
These free educational spaces offer quality training for individuals interested in acquiring skills related to entrepreneurship and personal development. The spaces offer various study modalities and aim to meet annual goals while responding to the city’s dynamic needs.
‘Escuela de Artes y Música’ (School of Arts and Music)
This project addresses the demand for artistic education, promoting cultural development and preserving historical memory through art.
Augusto C Sandino Historical Museum and Cultural Centre
The museum showcases antique household items and offers insights into Ocotal’s history before the arrival of the conquistadors, connecting visitors with the city’s past.