Leme, Brazil

Leme is a city located in the state of São Paulo in south-eastern Brazil.
City population
Member since
Mr Claudemir Aparecido Borges
Focal point
Ms Elka Paccelli Scherma


Leme aims to ensure universal access to formal education, promote early childhood development and provide ICT skills. Its key priorities are to eliminate inequalities, foster sustainable development and strengthen the skills of education professionals. Core elements of the city’s lifelong learning strategy include intersectoral partnerships, sustainability goals aligned with the SDGs, and a focus on inclusive special education, extended learning and technological education.

Leme welcomes, supports and educates its citizens to learn through life, and is committed to leaving no one behind, always seeking an inclusive approach for democracy, intersectorality, sustainability and connectivity for human rights.

Mr Claudemir Aparecido Borges
Mayor of Leme

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
In collaboration with UNESCO Brazil, Leme is pioneering a new organizational structure based on the SDGs to promote sustainable development. This intersectoral approach, bridging education and health, works on citizen welfare issues like breastfeeding, vaccination, obesity and malnutrition.
Equity and inclusion
Leme prioritizes education for all, especially those with disabilities, through specialized resources such as multifunctional resource rooms and support services, including speech therapy and occupational therapy. This inclusive approach extends to health and welfare, with a particular focus on autism. Leme serves as a regional model in this regard, sharing its experiences with other cities.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city gives precedence to enhancing the professional growth of educators through SDG-oriented research and training. Furthermore, Leme’s Secretariat for Employment and Labour Relations actively encourages entrepreneurship and decent work, extending efforts beyond the realm of education and into the labour market.

Good practices

Centre for Special Education from an Inclusive Perspective (CAPTE)
Inclusive education is a priority in Leme. CAPTE has 29 dedicated staff members who support and foster children’s well-being and growth. In 2022, 340 students received support through 1,020 weekly visits, and 370 children with disabilities were enrolled in the Municipal Education Network. CAPTE is not just reactive but proactive in providing training to school professionals.
EduCaipira Festival
Leme fosters renewed family and community learning alongside a thriving cultural scene through events like the EduCaipira Festival. This celebration involves all students, including adults and older adults in municipal schools, along with their families and community members, to promote the city’s vibrant culture across generations.