Liège, Belgium

Liège is a city located in eastern Belgium, in the region of Wallonia, and is situated along the Meuse River.
City population
Member since
Mr Willy Demeyer
Focal point
Mr Jean-Pierre Hupkens


In the short term, and with regard to lifelong learning, Liège is focusing on strengthening its networks, implementing projects and collecting examples of good practice. In the long term, the city’s aim is to share practices internationally and adjust projects to raise awareness of Liège’s expertise. The sharing of information will focus on education, culture, socio-economic development and the environment.

As an open, multicultural metropolis, Liège, with its rich history stretching back thousands of years, consolidates knowledge to create a common asset for the benefit of all.

Mr Willy Demeyer
Mayor of Liège

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
The environment is a vital pillar of the learning city, encompassing mobility, green space preservation and healthy food. Projects include inter-neighbourhood mobility and communication, family-friendly green spaces, school bike days and sensitization campaigns initiated by specialists in environmental issues, sustainable development and health care.
Equity and inclusion
Liège prioritizes gender equality through a specialized council and has developed gender equality and anti-racism charters. Gender budgeting is implemented, along with efforts to build resilience and self-esteem to counter extremism. Liège promotes youth awareness about consent and violence prevention, emphasizing cultural inclusion and best practices in learning cities.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city offers training for young graduates to enhance skills, entrepreneurship support, financial incentives for training and assistance for unemployed individuals. These structures aim to promote discussions on decent work and individual respect in line with sustainability, ethics and social justice, along with the creation of a best practices guide for the workplace.

Good practices

Morning snacks and hot meals
This project provides morning snacks or hot meals at noon in primary schools, helping to reduce the nutritional gap experienced by children from disadvantaged backgrounds while gradually introducing the concept of equality.