Seo-gu (Gwangju), Republic of Korea

Seo-gu (Gwangju) is a district located in the city of Gwangju, Republic of Korea.
City population
Member since
Head of Seo-gu District, Gwangju City Mr I-Gang Kim
Focal point
Mr Yong-Tae Gang


The city aims to establish itself as ‘Seo-gu, the World’s Largest University’ by providing tailored lifelong education to all of its residents. The city is working to ensure equal access by setting up various departments and community centres. Its long-term goals include improving civic education, online learning platforms and international cooperation through its involvement in the UNESCO GNLC.

We will transform the entirety of Seo-gu into a university, creating a space where all residents can engage in learning, and transforming Seo-gu into a mecca of lifelong learning.

Head of Seo-gu District, Gwangju City Mr I-Gang Kim
Mayor of Seo-gu (Gwangju)

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
The city’s health strategies include promoting walking cultures, customized health management and AI-powered caregiving services. Environmental sustainability is addressed through projects focusing on renewable energy and carbon neutrality, engaging residents in the establishment of ecofriendly houses and carbon reduction initiatives.
Equity and inclusion
The Do-Dream Seo-gu Lifelong Learning Centre offers over 50 annual courses to ensure that citizens have equal learning opportunities. To tackle educational disparities, Gwangju Seo-gu provides customized programmes for older learners and individuals with low educational attainment. The city supports multicultural migrant women through language teaching programmes, and offers mobile lifelong learning courses for those with limited mobility or access to transportation.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The municipality offers specialized instructor training specifically designed for individuals who wish to work with or teach those with disabilities. Recognizing the challenges faced by middle-aged individuals, the Midlife Career Safety Network has been established to support entrepreneurial aspirations and re-entry into the job market.

Good practices

Lifelong learning centres
With many courses offered at lifelong learning centres and over 1,000 participants engaged annually, there city also offers an online platform for learning anytime, anywhere. Plans include the creation of a centralized service to manage all of the educational programmes on offer.
Locally specialized programmes linked to employment
These initiatives offer economic assistance and boost local pride. Notable achievements include the seven-year Senior Storyteller Programme and the three-year Ecological Guide Training Programme (both run in collaboration with local kindergartens and day care centres), as well as VR content created to assist those with mobility issues.