Sharkia, Egypt

Sharkia is a governorate located in north-eastern Egypt.
City population
Member since
Governor of Sharkia Mr Mamdouh Ghorab
Focal point
Ms Walaa Gazer


Sharkia is committed to achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030 by focusing on marginalized areas, improving citizen services and aligning with national plans. Efforts since 2014 include programmes to eradicate poverty (e.g. Takaful and Karama), improve housing and urban development, eliminate hunger, promote health care, improve education, boost gender equality, enable access to clean water and foster economic growth.

Sharkia has mobilized its resources to promote comprehensive learning, to use digital transformation technologies, to promote lifelong learning, and to promote individual empowerment and social integration as a means of achieving higher rates of sustainable development.

Governor of Sharkia Mr Mamdouh Ghorab
Mayor of Sharkia

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
Sharkia is actively engaged in the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects, contributing to the Developed Charcoal Furnace project. The city’s efforts encompass carbon reduction, transitioning bakeries and cars to natural gas, responsible waste management, ecofriendly initiatives, drainage enhancements, sewage treatment and improved access to clean drinking water. Sharkia also offers vital services such as health care facilities, technology centres and cooperative agreements for agriculture and health.
Equity and inclusion
In Sharkia, various initiatives promote social development and inclusion, including programmes for individuals with disabilities, and sign language training for local administration employees. Community development involves projects such as the Takaful and Karama programmes, which assist individuals with special needs and people over the age of 65, respectively. Literacy efforts have also been implemented, and the Misr Public Library in Fagous hosts events for marginalized groups.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city of Sharkia is actively integrating decent work and entrepreneurship initiatives, including workshops for craftspeople in multiple villages who then participate in meetings and exhibitions to showcase and market local handicrafts. Events like Ayadi Misr and Sharkia Day promote craftsmanship and entrepreneurship, while participation in the Cairo International Exhibition further supports innovation and culture.

Good practices

National Council for Women
The National Council for Women has hosted seminars in numerous villages to raise awareness of the importance of women’s political participation. Collaborating with the ‘Tamkeen‘ Foundation, it has also provided training for women entrepreneurs, aiming to enhance their livelihoods. Moreover, a doorstepping campaign has engaged multiple villages in constitutional matters, including early marriage restrictions and women’s voting rights.
Mobile libraries
Mobile libraries throughout Sharkia aim to provide learning opportunities in underserved areas. Similarly, mobile technology centres have extended their services to reach citizens in these regions.