Sumy, Ukraine

Sumy is a city located in north-eastern Ukraine, serving as the administrative centre of Sumy Oblast.
City population
Member since
Mr Oleksandr Lysenko
Focal point
Ms Oksana Kubrak


Sumy’s lifelong learning vision is anchored in its City Development Strategy for the period up to 2030. The strategy includes multifaceted objectives such as promoting lifelong learning for all ages, improving access to quality education and infrastructure, and supporting professional development. It emphasizes inclusiveness, particularly aiming to involve people with disabilities and tailor education towards labour market needs. The city’s educational priorities align with efforts to provide quality public services, foster a competitive local economy and reduce skilled labour outflow.

Sumy is a regional centre that has mobilized all possible opportunities for the personal growth of its citizens so that they can develop their creative abilities and talents within the framework of continuous education.

Mr Oleksandr Lysenko
Mayor of Sumy

Policies, plan and implementation

Sustainability and health
The city is prioritizing community hospital improvements, stress prevention measures and healthy lifestyles. The city also focuses on digitalization in health care and aims to develop infrastructure to promote rehabilitation and combat chronic non-communicable diseases.
Equity and inclusion
Under its City for People directive, Sumy is working to deliver quality education and inclusive labour practices. In 2019, the city developed an Intercultural Strategy, which aims to embrace community values and recognize diversity as a step towards greater inclusivity and equality.
Decent work and entrepreneurship
The city’s strategy outlines key objectives, such as analysing municipal investment projects, fostering major business clusters and creating infrastructure for business development. It also includes plans to develop a business support centre that offers consultations on various aspects of entrepreneurship, aiming to bolster the city’s economy and provide employment opportunities.

Good practices

Centre for Adult Learning
The Centre for Adult Learning was initially founded to provide adult education opportunities. It was later transformed into a department of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, aimed at developing new approaches to non-formal education for adults, and building on the professional and civic competencies of the adult population.