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27 Grants
435 Beneficiaries


Download the terms of the call for projects

As climate change and biodiversity erosion are intertwined and are two of today’s most important challenges, the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” aims at strengthening our understanding of climate and biodiversity interactions, the ecosystem services they provide and their socio-economic impacts, including for example health issues. 

The research projects supported by the BNP Paribas Foundation through its Climate & Biodiversity Initiative are selected through a call for projects every 3 years. The rigorous selection process of each call for projects has a specific governance. Indeed, the Foundation is backed by its Scientific committee composed of world-class researchers: they play a key role in selecting the most promising and outstanding research projects.

All funded projects are presented on the BNP Paribas Foundation website and YouTube : 2010-2019 projects / 2020-2022 projects.

Members of the Scientific Committee

  • Yunne Shin – Director of Research at IRD and Honorary Research Associate at University of Cape Town
  • Philippe Cury - Senior scientist at IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement)
  • Philippe Gillet – Geophysicist, geologist and professor, Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne
  • Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele, – PhD in physics, climatologist, professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, where he co-directs the environmental management master’s program. Member of the Earth and Climate Research Centre
  • Marie-Pierre Ledru – Director of Research at IRD, working at the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences of Montpellier, 2017 laureate of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative”
  • Franck Courchamp, CNRS Research Director at the Systematic Ecology and Evolution Laboratory (ESE-CNRS/Université Paris-Sud), 2014 laureate of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative”
  • Lydie Lardy – Director of Research in Soil Ecology at IRD, 2017 laureate of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative”
  • Jean-Pierre Gattuso – CNRS Research Director at the the Villefranche Oceanography Laboratory (CNRS/Sorbonne University/Iddri), 2010 laureate of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative”

The call for projects

The aim of this call for projects is to select 6-9 research projects that will increase our understanding about issues related to climate change and biodiversity loss. The projects will receive financial support from the BNP Paribas Foundation for a three-year period (2023-2025).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to obtain financial support from the Foundation outside the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” call for projects?

NO. The BNP Paribas Foundation will only subsidize the projects that will be selected by the Scientific Committee at the end of this Call for Projects.

Is there any minimum amount granted within the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” call for projects?

NO. There is simply a maximum amount of € 800,000 per project over 3 years. In addition, the grant from the BNP Paribas Foundation must be between 25 and 60% of the total budget of the project.

Are there any spending constraints with a grant?

NO. The grant may be used to cover all types of expenses, including wages, equipment, consumables, travel expenses, event costs etc. However, as the objective is to give most of the funds for research purpose, it is not the intention of the BNP Paribas Foundation to help finance a major proportion of management/administrative fees (typical overhead supported by BNP Paribas Foundation is about 7%)

Can the funding be used to pay for some of the project partners’ expenses?

YES. For legal reasons, BNP Paribas Foundation can only transfer the grant to a non-profit entity based in the European Economic Area and that has been established since at least 3 years. The reallocation of funds between the project member organisations (e.g. to cover the expenses of the partners involved) must be detailed and managed by the non-profit entity itself. 

Can in-kind resources, such as salary costs, be regarded as cofunding for a project?

YES. In-kind resources such as the salary cost of permanent staff (researchers, ...) may be included in the project budget and those costs treated as co-funding. The Foundation does however require that the breakdown of the various costs attributed to the project should be balanced and consistent.

What about the confidentiality of information concerning the scientific projects submitted to this call for projects?

The BNP Paribas Foundation guarantees that information about every research project candidate will be treated in strict confidentiality. Only the relevant people involved in the selection process will have access to the information provided through forms submitted via the website. At the end of each stage, all information concerning non-selected projects will be deleted entirely from the databases.

What was the success rate for previous calls?

Since 2010, four calls for projects have been issued as part of the Climate & Biodiversity Initiative. In 2019, 61 elligible projects were put forward for the first stage, 27 projects were selected to go forward to the second stage and 9 projects finally received a Foundation grant.

Can an organization which has already obtained a grant from the BNP Paribas Foundation in the context of the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” program submit an application again?

YES. But the principal investigator must not have already benefited from the support of the BNP Paribas Foundation for a project they coordinated. On the other hand, they can be attached to a laboratory that has already received a grant or participated in a project already supported.

Is it possible to submit more than one project to this call for projects?

YES. Different projects led by the same institution may be submitted. One scientist could be involved in various submitted research projects.

Regarding the funding criteria, is it possible to apply even if the project has not yet received any other funding?

YES. The funding scale indicated in the documents concerning the proportion of philanthropy funding should be understood as follows: the BNP Paribas Foundation aims to contribute significantly to the project’s funding (25% up 60% maximum), but does not wish to be the exclusive funder. However, projects that do not yet have any other committed funders are not excluded. It is therefore permitted for a candidate to apply, even if some other funding requests have not yet been finalized (for example other calls for projects).

Can I submit a proposal for a project that has already started?

YES. The proposed start date will then correspond to either the actual start date of the project or the start date of a new characteristic phase of an initiative that has already started. In this case, the presentation of the project must include a presentation of the actions already carried out, even if the BNP Paribas Foundation will not have contributed to the financing of these actions. However, since the funding of the BNP Paribas Foundation lasts three years, it is necessary that the project takes place at least until 2025.

Under the “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” program, does the BNP Paribas Foundation fund university research projects, theses, doctorates or grant scholarships?

NO. The Foundation does not fund such projects and does not provide scholarships under this Program.

Does the Foundation finance publications, conferences, translations, and exhibitions?

NO. The “Climate & Biodiversity Initiative” call for projects is not intended to finance only this type of action. It will only finance concrete projects implemented in the planned intervention zones. However, communication events (lectures, exhibitions, etc.) should be planned throughout the implementation of the project as dissemination & outreach are important criteria of selection.

Can a young researcher with no permanent position apply under this call for projects as principal investigator?

YES. Young researchers with no permanent position (junior scientist, postdocs, etc.) may respond to this call on the behalf of their university or laboratory. Young researchers are welcome and diversity in age and/or experience will be regarded as a positive asset during the assessment process.

Is there any precise expectation regarding the minimum or maximum number of partners involved?

NO. There is no precise expectation regarding the minimum or maximum number of partners involved. The number of partners will naturally depend on the type of scientific research undertaken and the range of expertise required to run the project. A grant-approved project will receive the funding directly via the administrative supporting entity (which must meet the eligibility criteria: see the terms of the call for projects document and the related question above. It is entirely a matter for the partners to decide how the grant is distributed.

Can we submit a grant application relating to research that falls outside the limited scope of the expertise of the scientific committee?

YES. A deliberate decision was taken not to restrict the eligible research themes. However, the research project must be scientific and related to climate change and biodiversity issues. If, at the end of the first stage, some of the projects pre-selected by the BNP Paribas Foundation deal with scientific issues that are not within the scope of the Scientific Committee members’ expertise, specific experts will be appointed to help the Foundation assess these projects.

Can the research project focus on either climate or biodiversity?

NO. The research project has to focus on both climate and biodiversity. However, it can have a major on either subject, as long as it delves into the issue of the interactions between climate and biodiversity. For example: impacts of climate change on biodiversity, contributions of biodiversity to climate regulation, biodiversity adaptation to climate change, nature-based solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change, including the role of biodiversity on terrestrial and marine carbon stocks, solutions and challenges at the climate-biodiversity-society interface for achieving transformative change, ….

Should the project rather address a specific type of biodiversity?

NO. Forests, urban biodiversity, agricultural biodiversity, coastal ecosystems, deserts, oceans, water, tropical lands, poles... : any kind of ecosystem, fauna, flora, in any part of the world, at any scale, can be eligible to the 'Climate & Biodiversity Initiative', as long as it is studied with regard to climate-related stakes.

Should the project rather address a specific theme of the climate science?

NO. Any aspect of the climate science is eligible to the Initiative, as long as it is studied with regard to biodiversity-related at stakes. Although not being part of the climate system as such, ocean acidification is also eligible as a consequence of the modification to the carbon cycle.

Is there one browser in particular that I shall use to apply online through the website?

NO. The website works on any browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari...

Can I resume my project application to make some change(s) before submitting it definitely?

YES. Changes can be made any time before the deadline. All applications shall be submitted before 20 April at midnight (Paris time).

Why is the number of characters displayed on the website different from that of Microsoft Word?

The difference can be the invisible characters accidentally or automatically copied from Microsoft Word and pasted on the website.

Create an account

2. The Create an account button is now enabled. Once you create your account, you will be able to access the application form.

Before you starting filling out your application, please read the application guide ('terms of the call for projects') carefully and check the Frequently Asked Questions section (FAQ).

Throughout the application process, take your time to highlight your project and make sure that you provide the requested documents and information. Follow each step, use the “preview” function and review the “checklist” to see whether you have duly completed your application for your research project.

Best of luck!

Already have an account : Se connecter / Login.


First stage

- Receipt of full applications

  • 10 February - 20 April 2022

- Evaluation of applications by BNP Paribas

  • 27 April - 15 June 2022

- Announcement of pre-selected projects

  • 16 June 2022

Second stage

- Evaluation of pre-selected projects by the Scientific Committee

  • 17 June - 30 Septembre 2022

- Final selection by the BNP Paribas Foundation's Executive Committee

  • 22 November 2022


- Announcement of selected projects

  • December 2022 or January 2023


- Payment of the first instalment of projects funding

  • by first quarter 2023