The 2024 survey is closed but our mission continues as we analyse the survey data to deliver actionable insights that help your charity thrive digitally. Stay tuned for what’s coming!

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed their valuable insights. Don’t miss the chance to learn from the findings!

Decorative hero image of hand using magnifying glass to look at data, surrounded in social media icons, email icons and symbolism of growing your income through improved online presence


Since its inception in 2017, the Charity Digital Skills Report has been a crucial barometer of digital skills, attitudes, and support needs across the sector. We are now meticulously reviewing the diverse responses regarding your organisational priorities, barriers to digital adoption, funding needs, and specific digital challenges. Your contributions are instrumental in shaping our comprehensive report.

Icon of magnifying glass next to people sharing their thoughts in a speech bubble

The survey

We include a range of questions about your overall organisational priorities, barriers and funding needs, as well as specific digital skills and challenges. All the questions are optional, you don’t need to be an expert (although you might be!) and you don’t need to complete them all.

Icon of a piece of paper with graphs and data on it

The report

We will publish all our results here by July 2024 and share these widely. You can opt in to join our mailing list and be notified about our work. We will advocate for change based on what we find amongst those providing funding and support.

Icon of a lightbulb with a book in the middle so signify learnings and ideas from the report

The findings

Everything you have told us via the surveys has year on year helped us track how charities are evolving, as well as gathering insights into areas that are critical success factors for digital progress, such as understanding users, leadership and governance and strategy.

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Anticipating the publication of our findings? You can sign up for our mailing list to receive updates on our work and the forthcoming report. We are dedicated to advocating for digital transformation in the sector based on these insights, especially in areas crucial for digital success like user engagement, leadership, governance, and strategy.


Every year, we meticulously redevelop our survey to capture a comprehensive snapshot of the digital needs within the charity sector, enhancing its overall impact. Reading our report empowers you to:

  • Discover digital needs
    Learn where your charity might be lacking in digital effectiveness and what steps you can take to maximise impact.

  • Enhance efficiency
    Explore how technology can streamline your charity’s operations. Our report provides data-driven insights into optimising your organisation’s success.

  • Benchmark progress
    Gauge your organisation’s digital maturity against the wider sector. Understand where you stand and what you need to move forward.

  • Evaluate sector trends
    Gain an in-depth understanding of how emerging technologies are shaping the digital landscape. Learn from the experiences of others in the sector to better position your charity for digital advancements.

  • Identify skill gaps
    Recognise areas where your team can enhance their digital knowledge and confidence. Our report highlights the crucial skills needed in the evolving digital space and points you to resources to bridge these gaps.

By subscribing to receive our report, you ensure you are equipped with the latest insights to drive your charity’s digital strategy forward effectively.

Sector response

Find out what leaders think of the survey and what our reports mean for the charity sector.