Image shows two women sitting next to eachother sitting in a greenhouse. The woman on the left has a small dog jumper up at hear.

The Power of Music

Living with dementia, or with someone who has it, is hard. But science shows music can help.

Watch our lovely short film about how families are using music around the country.

Go on, give music a go!

Tony Christie drives the message home - "Give music a go!"

Singing legend Tony Christie has launched Music for Dementia’s new ‘Give It A Go’ campaign.

The striking artwork is being shown on digital screens around the UK, so keep a look out for the bright colours and simple message for families affected by dementia – give music a go!

Tony says: “You don’t have to be a professional singer or musician to belt out a football anthem or hum the theme tune to Eastenders – it’s whatever works for you.”


UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Music and Dementia launches


Music for Dementia was thrilled to attend the launch of the new Centre of Excellence for Music and Dementia this week, hosted by Manchester Camerata. 

The launch kickstarts the work of the Centre of Excellence, adopting a pioneering approach to Music and Dementia practice and research. The Centre will act as a lifeline for carers and people living with Dementia and gather key data on the cost savings music can create for the NHS to build the business case for action and secure long-term investment in music and dementia nationwide.

Music for Dementia/The Utley Foundation gave £1million to the National Academy for Social Prescribing and has worked with them over the past year to help build the Power of Music Fund which has enabled the Centre of Excellence to launch, and we’re delighted to see this hard work come to life.