
Our vision

A financial sector that supports the transition to sustainable societies that preserve ecosystems and satisfy people’s basic needs


We conduct research on financial institutions’ practices, how they support or hinder ecological transition, and the needed measures to address climate emergency.


We meet with financial and political decision makers to present our recommendations, and we support those who want to make a change in transforming their practices.


We publicly expose financial institutions who hinder climate-related regulations, and whose practices violate human rights and destroy the environment.

Our Fights

Exit coal for good

Stop the expansion of fossil fuels

Towards 100% renewable electricity

Decarbonize steelmaking

Making money work for climate

Avoiding greenwashing in transition plans

our trackers

More and more banks, insurers, and investors are adopting policies aimed at reducing their support for fossil fuels and making commitments to increase their support for sustainable energy. But are these policies effective enough to curb the expansion of fossil fuels, ensure a gradual phase-out, and support the energy transition?

To address this question, we have developed three tools in line with the objective of limiting global warming to less than 1.5°C, analyzing the policies adopted by financial institutions regarding coal, oil, and gas, as well as the commitments made by banks concerning the decarbonization of electricity.