Refugee Youth Education Hub

Empowering refugee children and youth to be self-reliant, civically engaged, and a service to others..


Promoting the living conditions and access to livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities.


Refugee Youth Education Hub (RYEH) supports the following programs


We deliver high quality education to unleash the potential in every child.


We collaborate with communities to improve living conditions and increase livelihood opportunities for displaced people and host communities.


We champion refugees rights and the social and economic inclusion of all people.


We serve the needs and ambition of refugee youth by providing spaces for collaboration, connection, collective learning, and entrepreneurship.

Our Mission & Vision


To remove the barriers and unleash the potential of young refugees so they can pursue their ambitions and be of service to their communities.


We envision a world where every child can access knowledge, every young person can pursue opportunity, and every community can live in peace.

Core Values

When we were displaced by violence, we lost everything of value, except our core values. Those values save us from despair and inspire us to turn our commitments into action.

• Equity
• Integrity
• Sustainability
• Inclusivity

Recent Projects

Cuisines, Cultures, and Co-existence Campaign

Cuisines, Cultures, and Co-existence Campaign

With financial support from ILO, RYEH hosted an event to showcase the sumptuous skills of refugee cooks and chefs on World Refugee Day in Nairobi. The event provided a platform for urban refugees to break bread with their neighbors, show off their skills, and enhance their knowledge of the food service industry in Kenya. RYEH together with ILO used social media to publicize the event and attracted over 150 guests eager to devour the food and knowledge on offer.

Covid-19 Awareness Campaign

Covid-19 Awareness Campaign

With the support of Internews, REYH conducted an emergency campaign during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using Somali-language radio, REYH conducted an hour-long breakfast show program to share information about the health risks of COVID-19 and the evidence-based methods people could use to keep families and individuals safe.

The Dadaab Book Drive

The Dadaab Book Drive

Dadaab Book Drive’ is an ongoing initiative that has delivered over 60,000 books and opened a community library in Dadaab Refugee Camp. The Book Drive’s goal is to improve education for children in Dadaab by ensuring they have  text books, reading materials, and safe environments to study. Dadaab Book Drive has helped children to gain knowledge, believe in themselves, and succeed through their own efforts. All we had to do was put a book in their hands. Click here to donate to the Book Drive.

Books delivered to Refugee libraries.

Hours of community outreach

Events conducted


In 2020, Refugee Refugee Youth Education Hub was honored alongside seven other Refugee Led Organizations who are blazing the trail for new creative approaches to humanitarian response. ngo-innovation-award-2020