About Nesta

Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality and changing lives for the better. We use our expertise, skills and funding in areas where there are big challenges facing society.

The future of storytelling - 24 Oct 2019 18:30 – 24 Oct 2019 22:30

Stories of the past have been carved, painted and printed. Today, they are whispered through earbuds, watched through screens and available to download. But how will we share stories in the future?

Join us at the Barbican conservatory for an evening of talks, installations and an interactive performance. We’ll be discussing the ingredients of storytelling with writer and critic Olivia Laing, exploring how stories might be told in the future through installations from the Royal College of Art, and immersing ourselves in an animal love story with performance artist David Finnigan.

Stories can help us imagine and predict our futures, and even shape them. So how can we use new technology to make these imaginary futures more vivid, more interactive and more tangible? What does the next chapter of storytelling hold?

Your FutureFest Late ticket will include a talk, a pop-installation, an immersive performance and a complimentary drink.

Tickets for the FutureFest Late have now sold out. But you can still buy tickets to FutureFest festival in 2020.

What are FutureFest Lates?

FutureFest Lates offer audiences an evening of immersive installations and exploratory talks set in inspiring venues, from a maze of underground tunnels to an urban rooftop rainforest.