100 start-ups from every continent apply to work with essential global industry on achieving net zero

Nearly 100 tech start-ups from across the globe have applied for a pioneering international programme, which offers the chance to work with leading cement and concrete manufacturers, on decarbonising the world’s most used man-made materials. The Innovandi Open Challenge is run by the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), an international body, which is working with leading manufacturers on the industry’s net zero mission. The development of new technologies is a key part of the industry’s net zero roadmap. Carbon capture, use and storage technology — the focus of this…

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Economic concerns have not dented UK consumers’ drive for sustainability, new research reveals

Pro Carton, the leading European association for carton and cartonboard manufacturers recently commissioned a consumer packaging perceptions study conducted by Perspectus Global. 1,008 UK consumers were surveyed, with the research designed to highlight attitudes towards the environment, current concerns, and packaging perceptions. The survey explored issues facing consumers, covering topics such as the cost of living, inflation, warfare, racism, and climate change. When asked what the biggest issues are facing UK consumers today, respondents revealed that the cost of living (75%), climate change (65%) and warfare (55.9%) are the greatest…

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IKEA Supply and IOM announce partnership to promote inclusion of migrant workers

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and IKEA Supply AG are launching their first global partnership to promote the rights and well-being of migrant workers, employed across the IKEA supply chain. After a decade of collaboration and several projects, the new three-year partnership will leverage the strengths and expertise of both organisations. By collaborating IKEA Supply and IOM ensure meaningful inclusion and employment for migrant workers and realize the potential of migration as a powerful driver for sustainable development. “Migrant workers who live and work outside their countries of origin…

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Greater social justice is the cornerstone of a more sustained recovery, ILO tells World Bank and IMF

The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Gilbert F. Houngbo, has called for reinforced multilateralism and a focus on social justice for a sustained global recovery, highlighting the need to bolster investment in social policies, institutions, and dialogue. In statements delivered at the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings  in Washington D.C., Houngbo invited relevant parties to join the recently established Global Coalition for Social Justice , which already includes more than 200 partners. The Coalition aims, “to achieve a greater balance amongst the economic, social,…

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Philanthropy students donate to local chosen charities

University of Kent’s Centre for Philanthropy has worked with two undergraduate student cohorts to donate £3,250 to local community charities. This year’s students from the Kent and Medway Medical School and the University’s School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research awarded funding to The Church Street Project based in Folkestone, which offers creative and talking therapies to children and young people, SATEDA, a Kent Domestic Violence Service and KRAN, the Kent Refugee Action Network. The funding has been awarded to the organisations as part of the students’ elective module Learning by…

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