BNP Paribas joins forces with the Grameen Creative Lab to foster the creation of social businesses and positive-impact products within the bank

For several years the BNP Paribas Group has worked with the organizations in the Yunus ecosystem to support the latter’s actions in the field of microfinance. BNP Paribas was the first foreign bank to finance CreditAccess Grameen Limited (formerly Grameen Koota) in India and which enabled the microfinance institution to secure support from other foreign banks. In New York, BNP Paribas also finances Grameen America Inc, which is the only microfinance institution in the US providing individual loans to small groups of women. This commitment in the US, through the Group’s subsidiary Bank…

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Charity Commission reports on its inquiry into Relief for Distressed Children and Young People

A statutory inquiry by the Charity Commission into a poverty charity has found breaches of trust and duty by trustees who misapplied charity funds and failed to manage conflicts of interest. As a result of the investigation, over £13 million has been distributed to charities and the charity’s former chair has been disqualified, following his removal, from serving as a charity trustee or holding any senior management function of any charity in England and Wales. The Commission opened a statutory inquiry into Relief for Distressed Children and Young People in…

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Investors with $6.3 trillion in assets call on companies to cut climate, deforestation-related risks in global soybean supply chains

As global demand for soybean products continues to increase, 57 investors with more than $6.3 trillion in assets under management are calling on companies to disclose and eliminate deforestation risks associated with meeting this demand in their soybean supply chains, with a view towards protecting the long-term value of their investments. “While we recognise the important role of agriculture and soybean production to economic development and the livelihoods of farmers, we are also concerned that the environmental and social issues associated with unsustainable soybean production could have a material impact…

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BNP Paribas Asset Management takes a step further in its commitment to sustainable investment and launches ambitious, firm-wide sustainability strategy

BNP Paribas Asset Management reinforces its commitment towards sustainable investment by launching its firm-wide Global Sustainability Strategy. This represents a step further in contributing to a sustainable future, in line with BNPP AM’s focus on delivering long-term sustainable investment returns for clients. The Strategy details BNPP AM’s approach to sustainable investment, setting clear objectives and commitments, and focussing on three key sustainability themes: energy transition, the environment and equality (the ‘3Es’). It reinforces BNPP AM’s commitment to invest for the long term, and to engage with companies and regulators to promote best…

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Costa Rica launches plan to become the world’s first decarbonized country

On Sunday, February 24, Costa Rica launched a plan to make the nation one of the first in the world to completely decarbonize, at an event in San José. President Carlos Alvarado Quesada and former UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres launched the plan with minister of environment and energy Carlos Manuel Rodriguez. ‘The National Decarbonization Plan 2018-2050’ focuses on ten areas, encompassing key themes of transport and sustainable mobility, energy, green buildings, industry and agriculture among others. The ambitious plan includes commitments to ensure the electric grid is capable of operating with…

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