Welcome to the first podcast of 2023!
Sian Conway-Wood, Stuart Mitchell and Dr Lumsden-Groom talk about what they liked and disliked about 2022 in terms of ethical marketing and ethics in general. We also have our interview with Andrew Susman COO of the Institute of Advertising Ethics. We recorded this interview last year, and I can only apologise to Andrew that it took so long to get out – we’ve had 2 Prime Ministers since this was recorded!
About our guest:
Previously, Andrew Susman co-founded and served as the CEO of Studio One Networks. Studio One has been called “one of, if not the pioneer, in the field of digital content marketing services,” now a $200 billion industry. Before its acquisition, Procter & Gamble cited Studio One at the Federal Trade Commission as the gold standard in consumer transparency. Susman was tutored in Socratic and Aristotelian Ethics by J.L. Ackrill at Oxford University. Susman lives mainly in Manhattan and the Midwest.
Please visit https://www.iaethics.org/ for more details on what we discussed.
Other sites mentioned:
https://www.clearchannel.co.uk/livingroofs – Clearchannel & bees!
https://www.greenandblue.co.uk – Bee blocks!
https://ethicalhour.com/home/shop-ethical-instead/ – ShopEthicalInstead
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this particular story, what you thought we got right or wrong and if you have any suggestions for other marketing stories we could chat about with Dr Lumsden-Groom on our regular slot then please get in touch here.