FOARE 2024-2025 Reagan Family Scholarship Recipients Announced

The Foundation for Out of Home Advertising Research and Education (FOARE) has announced the recipients of the 2024-2025 Reagan Family Scholarship available to students enrolled in a graduate level city or urban planning program at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Utah.  

Benjamin Khoh, who is seeking an M.S. in Community and Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin, and Tayler Nikole Allen, who is seeking a Masters of City and Metropolitan Planning (MCMP) at the University of Utah, were named recipients of the 2024-2025 Reagan Family Scholarships.  Each will receive a scholarship in the amount of $2,500.

The scholarships are made possible by a generous contribution of the Reagan Foundation, a Utah-based non-profit family foundation.  The Foundation was established by William Reagan, who founded the Reagan Outdoor Advertising Inc., which sells out of home advertising in Central Texas, Utah, and Nevada.   Scholarships were awarded on the basis of a student’s academic performance and career goals.  

Khoh’s knowledge of the out of home industry stems from his Planning law class which examined the distinction between on and off premise signage.  Khoh hopes to focus his graduate studies on data analysis through code and modeling “to harness the new world of machine learning and AI” as a means to guide urban planning in Las Vegas where he grew up.  “I would really like to work in a city for a long period of time, so I can use my expertise to drive the city towards the more equitable future I dream of,” Khoh added.

In addition to pursuing her graduate degree, Allen works for the Salt Lake County Library’s Community Engagement Department.  Allen wants to examine how libraries can be used to foster more community engagement in the planning process.  “There is an opportunity to connect city planning, community engagement, and public libraries,” Allen said.  “As part of my education and career, I would love to research and advocate for ways to integrate improved city planning and community engagement with library services to improve safe, convenient, and equitable access to resources for underserved residents in Utah.”


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