Fundraising platform has announced that it is to close on 31st March. The Wonderful Organisation gave both registered charities and fundraisers a platform that transfered all funds raised through the activities of fundraisers to charities’ bank accounts, making no deductions whatsoever.
The platform released the following on their website:
It is with heavy hearts that today we announce the closure of New charity registrations and the creation of new fundraising pages have been disabled. We will continue to process donations until 31st March and pass these, in full, to charities.
It has been an amazing journey and we are grateful to have played a small role in helping wonderful fundraisers and their supporters to generate more than £5m for charities – with no deductions whatsoever to cover our own costs.
Our platform has been maintained by technical, finance and customer service staff kindly seconded to us by WHYPAY? Ltd., a free telephone conference service. However, the team is now unable to provide this resource given the current increase in remote working and the clear impact this has upon that business.
We remain proud of the impact of our lobbying work with industry regulators and the UK government. Though much remains to be done, we believe our passionate contribution to a hugely important debate has been significant in helping improve transparency and confidence in online fundraising.
We would like to thank The Co-operative Bank, AWS and WHYPAY? for their tremendous support, but most of all we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to everybody who has used the platform. We are honoured to have ensured that the incredible efforts of fundraisers and the generosity of their supporters have been passed in full to the charities close to their hearts.
Thank you.