Glastonbury’s support for charities and good causes reaches £5.9m in 2024

Glastonbury Festival have posted infprmtation on their charitable donations over the past year on a post on their website here.

Supporting causes close to our heart is fundamental to Glastonbury Festival and we are delighted that once again we have been able to help fund a range of inspiring initiatives in 2024. It is thanks to your support for the Festival that these donations and charitable payments have been possible and together we have been able to help those facing challenges across the world.

By the end of 2024, we will have made payments of over £5.9m to charitable causes and campaigns: £4.3m in the form of donations, including a donation of £2m to the NHS Somerset Charity and further donations totalling £126k to support NHS hospitals in Bristol and nursing staff across the UK; while another £1.6m was given as payments for services such as stewarding. 

As well as our continued support for our incredible Joint Charity partners – Oxfam, WaterAid and Greenpeace – we have been able to help many other projects and organisations both in the UK and overseas.

To support people living in these unprecedented times of conflict, we have made donations to Oxfam, War Child, UNHCR and other charities to help fund their work in some of the world’s most challenged regions. 

In addition to this, we’d like to thank everyone who contributed to our Emergency Fundraiser Crowdfunder appeal which also supported people in conflict. The Crowdfunder prize-draw raised £639k which the Festival matched, bringing the total to over £1.27m to fund the work of the British Red Cross, Oxfam and War Child, delivering humanitarian aid to those in need.

Recent world events have highlighted the plight of refugees and asylum seekers both at home and overseas. We’re proud to have been able to support charities working with these groups, such as the UK Refugee Council and the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR.

In acknowledgment of the difficulties facing emerging artists and local music venues – the cultural lifeblood of our Festival – we’re delighted to have been able to help nationwide charities promoting access to music for emerging artists, grass roots music, audiences, promoters and venues through donations to the Music Venue Trust.

Many of the Festival’s wider community and crew are Bristol-based and this year we have donated to various projects in the city. Among these are the Bristol Children’s Charity, Youth Moves, Young Bristol and Black2Nature all of which compassionately support families, vulnerable and young people in the Bristol area with a range of initiatives. 

In Pilton and other nearby towns and villages, we continue to support initiatives such as enrichment projects for local primary schools and vegetable growing for community food banks. This year we have also donated towards the Somerset Carers’ network and supported local organisations like the Food Forest Project and the Somerset Wildlife Trust who work to support our immediate environment, promote its biodiversity and raise awareness through environmental advocacy and climate education.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to the incredible volunteers who donate their time to support over 200 charities while providing essential services to Glastonbury Festival.

Please click here to read more about the charities and organisations Glastonbury Festival has supported in 2024.