A company’s ESG ratings has become increasingly important to both investors and shareholders alike and achieving an accurate comprehensive understanding of those ratings has grown more complex and time consuming. To help companies better understand and monitor their ESG ratings, Broadridge Financial Solutions, a global Fintech leader, has launched the Broadridge ESG Performance Dashboard powered by CSRHub.
This new dashboard provides companies with a single, streamlined consensus view of their ESG ratings and rankings based upon hundreds of sources, enabling them to better monitor and understand the factors that drive their ESG performance. With the Broadridge ESG Performance Dashboard, a single web-based solution, companies can pinpoint where they currently stand, determine how they can improve their ESG ratings and gain insight into their performance across environmental, community, employee, and governance issues.
“The Broadridge ESG Dashboard enables companies to reduce the noise and concentrate on the key issues and data to better understand where they stand and how to better focus their efforts,” said Dorothy Flynn President of Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions. “With asset managers increasingly focused on ESG-issues, companies need an easy tool that allows them to see through the clutter.”
ESG Style Company “Credit Report”
Companies can access their composite score on a complimentary basis. A more in-depth offering is available which includes exporting up to five years of history and tracking trends across every sub-category for offline analysis and reporting. In the same way a credit report provides actionable insight to consumers, details included in the ESG Performance Dashboard can help corporations gain awareness on who is rating them, compare those ratings with peers and identify where they can improve perceptions.
More comprehensive disclosures from companies help build a more robust ESG ecosystem that better supports investment decisions, portfolio construction, supply-chain management and human resources. Broadridge sits at the intersection of investors and companies which allows them to provide their clients with particularly salient insights on how to create and evolve their sustainability program so that they can successfully inform investors while also engaging employees and other stakeholders in their ESG vision. Broadridge is uniquely positioned to understand the needs of issuers and shareholders to help create more informed investors and educated clients.
The Broadridge ESG Performance Dashboard is based on a proprietary algorithm that converts over 350 million data points into a single number and is powered by the independent leader in ESG ratings, CSRHub LLC. The extensive data repository has 807 sources, including ESG analysis firms, government databases, publications and research reports, covering 27,000 companies across 150 countries. “We are delighted Broadridge has chosen CSRHub to power their ESG Dashboard. Our mission to provide consensus ratings of company ESG performance works as a lever to improve corporate sustainability,” said Cynthia Figge, CEO and Cofounder of CSRHub.