National Hispanic Entrepreneurs’ Organization (NHEO) Institute has proudly announced that it has successfully launched an inspiring campaign called ‘Building a Safer Future’. With an aim to impact more than one million people, the campaign will play a major role in reducing and ultimately eliminating construction-related hazards.
The campaign will involve hundreds of volunteers across the country working during the year, as NHEO Institute celebrates its 10th Anniversary serving the Hispanic community.
“All accidents are preventable so let us work together under the umbrella of this campaign to improve the culture of workplace safety for everyone” said NHEO Institute Board Member Miguel Galarza. Stats have shown that while workplace fatalities have dropped 20 percent in last decade, workplace fatalities among Hispanic construction workers have risen almost 35 percent in the same period.
“Safety is our priority at NHEO, and we are committed to identifying ways to improve the safety and health conditions of contractors, construction workers, and their families; especially those hard to reach or those who need extra help due to cultural and language barriers.” he added. ‘Building a Safer Future’ campaign participants will pledge a commitment to the program by wearing a yellow wristband. At the end of the year they will receive a Certificate of participation and evaluation of their safety related activities issued by NHEO Institute.
The campaign will include monthly educational webinars led by industry experts and partners sharing safety and health best practices. It will culminate with an event in Houston by the end of the year to showcase the campaign impact and results. To learn more about this initiative, please visit