The Keep America Beautiful®America Recycles Day®, the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States, has opened registration for businesses, community organizations, government entities, individuals and others planning to host an America Recycles Day-themed event.
America Recycles Day, which takes place on and in the weeks surrounding Nov. 15, educates people about the importance of recycling to our economy and environmental well-being, and helps to motivate occasional recyclers to become everyday recyclers.
“Our fall recycling initiatives highlight the power that we all have to make more mindful decisions in our daily lives about recycling and using products made with recyclable materials,” said Keep America Beautiful President and CEO Helen Lowman. “Keep America Beautiful has been working hard to improve recycling in America and we’re eager to continue those efforts by motivating and activating individuals to make recycling a part of their daily lives.”
Keep America Beautiful urges people to pledge to reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle in every aspect of their life. Available online and via paper pledges at America Recycles Day events across the country, the #BeRecycled Pledge is a promise to actively choose to live a recycled lifestyle, by:
Recycling at home, work/school and on the go;
Buying products made with recycled content; and
Educating and encouraging friends, family and neighbors to take the #BeRecycled Pledge.
Aside from the #BeRecycled Pledge, people can be part of the recycling solution by participating or hosting their own America Recycles Day event. Event organizers can access valuable resources to plan, promote and host an event on the America Recycles Day website where there are easy reference guides and resource materials for hosting events. Events can be scheduled at any time during the fall leading into the official America Recycles Day celebration, Nov. 15.
Sponsors of this year’s America Recycles Day include Title Sponsor Cox Enterprises, as well as International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and Macerich.