Skin positivity campaign launches to tackle skin dissatisfaction

A recent study by the Skin Health Alliance revealed that 62% of young adults believe using social media makes them feel worse about their skin and their appearance. The pervasiveness of edited and filtered images, selective self-presentation and a lack of diversity can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-confidence. 

Shockingly, 66% of young adults also stated that they have received hate or been bullied due to their appearance. We Stand For Skin advocates challenging beauty standards, rejecting the pursuit of ‘flawless’ skin and embracing individuality.

We Stand For Skin is an empowering campaign, inspiring everyone to accept their individuality and encourages us all to stand confident and comfortable in the skin we’re in. Through the power of film, We Stand For Skin highlights four real people’s skin stories and explores the importance of championing our shared uniqueness.

Our skin’s appearance can have a huge impact on our confidence with 92% of people stating that their skin’s appearance is important to their general wellbeing and 74% of young adults feeling pressure for their skin to look a certain way. Our skin’s appearance also has an impact on how we are perceived by others. 

The We Stand For Skin campaign focuses on celebrating diverse skin types, tones, colours, textures and conditions, highlighting the beauty in our skin’s inherent uniqueness. By embracing and understanding the individuality of your skin, you can learn to take care of it in the way that is right for you and choose safe products to help, not hide, your skin. 

The Skin Health Alliance is committed to connecting people with access to expert advice and education. Sharing knowledge empowers everyone to feel their most confident by maintaining healthy skin and creating a personalised routine that is right for them. 

Dr Eleanor Chatburn, Clinical Psychologist with a special interest in skin conditions, comments “These new statistics are concerning. They provide a snapshot of the lived experience of the millions of people with skin conditions, which is all too often overlooked, ignored, and even downright dismissed. I regularly support patients who describe overwhelming feelings of shame and embarrassment due to the stigma of looking different.”

“We know from the scientific research that people with skin conditions are more likely to develop body image and mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal ideation. A key contributing factor is the toxic beauty standards, so dominant on social media, which promote the idea of “flawless”, “poreless”, “perfect” skin. These ideals are not only totally unachievable, they are making people miserable. This is why I believe that social media companies have an obligation to clearly signpost posts that have been edited or use filters, particularly from influencers and brands.”

“The beauty industry also has a real opportunity here to show their commitment to promoting positive body image and mental health by representing a more diverse range of people with skin conditions in their campaigns and by emphasising skin health and function over skin appearance.”

Kirpal Bhogal, Vitiligo advocate, skin ambassador and film participant explains what the campaign and the messaging means to him “Skin confidence to me is about accepting and embracing my skin’s appearance, regardless of any imperfections or societal pressures. Skin confidence goes beyond physical appearance and involves feeling positive about my skin’s health, texture, and overall well-being. Having skin confidence is not about achieving a flawless complexion or conforming to unrealistic beauty standards. Instead, it’s about practising self-care, maintaining a healthy skincare routine, and understanding that everyone’s skin is unique. Embracing my individuality and being proud of my skin’s uniqueness!”

“Remember, everyone’s skin journey is different, and it’s okay to have both good and bad skin days. The key is to be kind to yourself and appreciate your skin’s uniqueness while taking steps to care for it properly.”

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