Stop Climate Chaos Scotland publishes largest ever Climate Manifesto

Stop Climate Chaos Scotland has published a Climate Manifesto, highlighting over 100 positive actions that governments should take to accelerate action to reduce Scotland’s contribution to the climate emergency, whilst securing sustainable jobs, improving health and wellbeing, and reducing inequality. 

From farming to transport and from energy to our seas, the Climate Manifesto is the largest collection of climate policies ever gathered by Scottish civil society.

Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, said: “We are in a new era for tackling climate change. The impacts could not be clearer, with record breaking ocean temperatures, droughts, wildfires and floods across the world. And yet the evidence of government and organisations doing more to address the issue is in perilously short supply, with the UK Government even backtracking on commitments at a time when we need to accelerate action.”

“Whilst Scotland has relatively strong climate targets – which were agreed by every political party – we’ve missed 4 out of the last 5, so we need to maintain the pressure to meet and exceed them, and show the strong public support for action.”

“The Scottish Government’s new Climate Change Plan, due to be published later this year, is a crucial opportunity to adopt the bold, ambitious new actions in the Climate Manifesto and get on track to meeting targets.”

Ashley McLean, Policy and Parliamentary Officer at The Poverty Alliance said:  “It’s completely unjust that those living on the lowest incomes are the most vulnerable to the effects of the climate emergency. A truly just transition means bringing everyone with us through policies that protect people on the lowest incomes in our society.”

“We are glad to be part of a manifesto that calls attention to areas like transport and housing where climate and social justice can be achieved together. Expanding free public transport provision, making warm homes, and making our energy sector more just, will help us to protect our planet and the people living on it”.

Jim Densham, Campaigns and Policy Manager in Scotland for Cycling UK said:

 “Transport contributes the most climate emissions in Scotland but unlike other sectors of the economy emissions from transport have hardly dropped in the past 30 years.”

“We urgently need a turning point in approach and it’s now up to the Scottish Government to put measures in place to make the use of cars and planes a less attractive option whilst ensuring alternatives like trains, buses and cycling are an easier and obvious choice.”

“Government must now adopt the forthright measures in the Climate Manifesto to rebalance our transport system and roll out better and fairer travel choices for people.”

Bruce Wilson Head of Policy and Advocacy at Scottish Wildlife Trust said: 

“Scotland is renowned as a place with remarkable wildlife and habitats but despite this the latest Government Biodiversity Strategy highlights we are one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. If we want thriving communities and sustainable economies, meeting the twin challenges of fighting climate change and reversing biodiversity loss must be at the heart of decision making.”

“Adopting positive measures in the Climate Manifesto that both reduce emissions and protect and enhance our natural world such as increasing the expansion of native woodland and investment in peatland restoration would demonstrate much needed leadership on tackling these interlinked crises.”

Prof. Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh said:

“Recent UN conferences have failed to deliver the progress needed on climate finance and commitments to reduce emissions. However, despite not being an official party to the talks, Scotland showed leadership at COP26 in Glasgow and played a vital role in moving on the debate on finance for climate-induced loss and damage. Scotland must continue to set a strong example to other Global North countries and do what it can to drive progress.” 

Mike Robinson concludes

“The solutions will undoubtedly evolve, and new ideas will emerge. However, the Climate Manifesto is an attempt to identify what we think needs to happen to transition to a low carbon, fairer Scotland. There is overwhelming public support for action, and a safe future depends on this. Climate change isn’t optional, and we need to take the politics out of responding to this existential emergency – we urge decision makers at every level to support and implement the policies in the Climate Manifesto so that, together, we can reinvigorate action and give people something to cheer about.”

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