Better Cotton, in collaboration with African Export-Import Bank, joins WTO and FIFA efforts to scale more sustainable cotton production in Africa

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, is to conduct sustainability mapping and assessments in West and Central Africa to enhance its understanding of the needs of smallholder farmers in the region and identify context-specific interventions. Funded by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), these assessments will inform ways in which targeted support can aid the production of more sustainable and regenerative cotton across Better Cotton’s programmes in Mali and Côte d’Ivoire – which engage a combined 200,000 farmers and farm workers. This collaboration between Better Cotton and Afreximbank is…

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Better Cotton Expands in West Africa with New Côte d’Ivoire Programme

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, has announced the opening a new programme in Côte d’Ivoire and committed to supporting 200,000 domestic cotton farmers in its first five years. The new field-level programme will offer training and resources to farming communities across the country, a first step towards helping them produce more sustainable cotton. The Professional Association of Cotton Companies of Côte d’Ivoire (APROCOT-CI) will serve as Better Cotton’s Strategic Partner for Côte d’Ivoire, overseeing efforts to improve the climate resilience and economic outlook of farming communities. APROCOT-CI…

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Better Cotton Revolutionises Cotton Sector with Traceability Solution

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, has today officially launched a first-of-its-kind traceability solution for the fashion and textile sectors. The solution has been developed over three years and will provide visibility of cotton’s journey through the supply chain by logging stakeholder input on the Better Cotton Platform. The organisation has worked closely with a network of member retailers and brands, including H&M Group, Marks & Spencer, Walmart, Target, Bestseller, Gap Inc and C&A, to ensure that fashion companies can accurately trace and disclose the origin of raw…

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Better Cotton Calls for Eradication of Highly Hazardous Pesticides in Agriculture

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, and its partners in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Coalition have issued a position paper demanding a global phase-out of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) across agricultural supply chains. Ahead of the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5), set to take place in Bonn, Germany, from 25-29 September, Better Cotton and fellow Coalition founding members have urged authorities to enforce regulatory frameworks that would mandate the elimination of highly hazardous agrochemicals. The Coalition – which also includes Fairtrade, Rainforest…

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Better Cotton Signs UN Pledge for Traceability and Transparency

Better Cotton, the world’s largest cotton sustainability initiative, has signed the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Sustainability Pledge ahead of the launch of its Traceability Solution at the end of 2023. The Sustainability Pledge is an open-source suite of policy recommendations, guidelines and standards that enable industry actors to authenticate their sustainability claims. The aim of the Pledge is to create a Community of Practice that would together develop traceability and transparency as key enablers for sustainability and circularity. The UNECE launched the framework to convene credible solution…

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