BNP Paribas grants the first Inclusive & Sustainability-Linked Financing to three major microfinance players in France, Italy and Brazil

Over the past several years, BNP Paribas has been very active in Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLL), which aim to foster companies to improve their ESG performance by directly linking the financial conditions of the loan to primarily environmental but also social or governance objectives. By end September 2023, BNP Paribas was No. 1 worldwide and in EMEA in sustainable finance[1]. BNP Paribas has been supporting microfinance institutions for over 30 years. By drawing on their expertise in Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLL), the bank aims to adapt this financial mechanism to microfinance through Inclusive & Sustainability-Linked…

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BNP Paribas awarded “World’s Best Bank” and “World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance”

Following similar accolades by IFR earlier this year, the BNP Paribas Group’s ongoing support for its customers, and a more sustainable economy, has once again been recognised by leading trade magazine Euromoney with the awards ‘World’s Best Bank’ and ‘World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance’, as well as a number of other regional and national awards. Euromoney awards for Excellence 2023 Global awards World’s Best Bank World’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance Regional awards Western Europe’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance Latin America’s Best Bank for Sustainable Finance Western Europe’s Best…

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BNP Paribas details and strengthens its energy transition ambitions

BNP Paribas is providing more detail on its plans to withdraw from oil and gas exploration and production activities, following its announcement to strengthen its commitments on January 24th, 2023. BNP Paribas will no longer provide any financing dedicated to the development of new oil and gas fields regardless of the financing methods. Beyond the energy sector, BNP Paribas continues to align its loan portfolio with a net zero emissions trajectory. and is setting new decarbonisation targets for the steel, cement and aluminium sectors, as presented in its 2022 Climate…

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IFC, BNP Paribas Launch Landmark SRT Transaction to Support Trade Finance in Emerging Markets

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and BNP Paribas (BNPP), the European Union’s largest bank as measured by assets and a key player in international banking, today announced a landmark Synthetic Significant Risk Transfer (Synthetic SRT) transaction, which will enable BNPP to expand its trade finance activities and continue to support emerging market economies. The transaction is expected to be particularly impactful, as international trade finance flows have been adversely impacted by ongoing global economic uncertainty. BNPP is a strategic user of SRTs across a variety of asset…

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BNP Paribas makes pivot towards financing low-carbon energy production

BNP Paribas has already made a major pivot towards financing low-carbon energy production. Building on expertise developed by its Low-Carbon Transition Group, BNP Paribas is embarking on a new phase designed to rapidly accelerate the transition to a low carbon economy. This new phase is set to last until 2030, by which time BNP Paribas will have completed transitioning over 80% of its energy production financing activities to the production of low-carbon energies. BNP Paribas has already made a major pivot towards financing low-carbon energy production. BNP Paribas’ outstanding loans…

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