Deloitte’s Women @ Work report shows stagnating progress in and outside the workplace for women

Now in its fourth year, Deloitte’s Women @ Work: A Global Outlook, a survey of 5,000 women in workplaces across 10 countries, explores some of the critical workplace and societal factors impacting women’s careers. Rising stress levels and poor mental health persist. And fewer women report feeling supported by their employers to balance work responsibilities with their commitments outside of work—a trend that is leading some women to switch employers. Although women working in a hybrid model are reporting better experiences this year than last, many have recently been asked…

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‘Millions will be left behind’ if incoming government neglects the digital divide, warns the Digital Poverty Alliance

Millions of adults and children across the UK will be left behind if the incoming government doesn’t prioritise bridging the digital divide, the Digital Poverty Alliance (DPA) has warned. According to DPA research alongside Deloitte, one in seven adults and one in five children still suffer from digital poverty, with as many as 19 million people in the UK falling victim to the digital dive. Digital exclusion goes beyond basic online connectivity, digital skills and access to electronic devices claim the DPA, who believe bridging the gap is about empowering…

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Study: Global circularity still in decline despite circular economy ‘megatrend’

Deloitte and Circle Economy Foundation released the Circularity Gap Report 2024, finding the vast majority of extracted materials entering the economy are virgin, with the share of secondary materials declining steadily since the Circularity Gap Report began in 2018. The report identifies three main areas where reforms can help accelerate progress toward the circular economy: policy, finance, and employment. The decline in circularity continues despite the concept of a circular economy—one that aims to help reduce consumption of virgin materials and keep materials in circulation—growing in popularity, with the volume of discussions, debates…

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Deloitte Expands Sustainability, Climate and Equity Upskilling for its Leaders and Professionals

Deloitte have announced expanded collaborations with renowned academic institutions, including MIT Sloan School of Management, NYU Stern Executive Education and Center for Sustainable Business, and most recently, Arizona State University, to create a differentiated, integrated learning program intended to enhance Deloitte professionals’ ability to help guide clients in identifying and engineering solutions to support what’s good for their business, people and the planet. Acknowledging the rapidly evolving market and science that encompasses effective sustainability, climate and equity problem solving, Deloitte continues to advance its large-scale enhancement of these skills among…

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Deloitte report: Improved financing could save US$50 trillion as the world decarbonizes

Deloitte’s Financing the Green Energy Transition report found that new cost-reducing finance instruments can help de-risk green projects in developing economies while making investing in these projects more attractive, helping to fuel a global just energy transition. Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will require an annual global investment in the energy sector ranging from US$5 trillion to US$7 trillion. However, the world currently invests less than US$2 trillion each year into the transition, which is far short of the financing needed to help put the world on course…

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