GRI and IFRS Foundation collaboration to deliver full interoperability that enables seamless sustainability reporting

The IFRS Foundation and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are deepening their working relationship, building upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2022. This collaboration seeks to provide a seamless, global and comprehensive sustainability reporting system for companies looking to meet the information needs of both investors and a broader range of stakeholders. The increased collaboration will optimize how GRI and ISSB Standards can be used together to facilitate reporting on an organization’s impacts, risks and opportunities, including risks that arise from the organization’s impacts. The International Sustainability Standards Board…

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IFRS Foundation and EFRAG publish interoperability guidance

The IFRS Foundation and EFRAG have published guidance material to illustrate the high level of alignment achieved between the International Sustainability Standards Board’s IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards (ISSB Standards) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and how a company can apply both sets of standards, including detailed analysis of the alignment in climate-related disclosures. Having first worked during the development of the ISSB Standards and ESRS to deliver a high degree of alignment, today’s publication now provides practical support that explains how companies can efficiently comply with both sets…

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IFRS Foundation announces ISSB Chair

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation has announced the appointment of Emmanuel Faber to serve as Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), this was effective 1 January 2022. The appointment follows the announcement at COP26 in November about the creation of the ISSB; the consolidation of the Climate Disclosure Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation (which houses the Integrated Reporting Framework and the SASB Standards) into the IFRS Foundation; and the publication of prototype general disclosures and climate disclosure requirements developed by the Technical Readiness Working Group.…

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IFRS Foundation announces International Sustainability Standards Board, consolidation with CDSB and VRF, and publication of prototype disclosure requirements

As world leaders met in Glasgow for COP26, the UN global summit to address the critical and urgent issue of climate change, the IFRS Foundation Trustees (Trustees) announce three significant developments to provide the global financial markets with high-quality disclosures on climate and other sustainability issues: The formation of a new International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) to develop—in the public interest—a comprehensive global baseline of high-quality sustainability disclosure standards to meet investors’ information needs;  A commitment by leading investor-focused sustainability disclosure organisations to consolidate into the new board. The IFRS…

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