An analysis by the International Labour Organization of progress made towards SDG 8, has concluded that “the world is well off track on nearly two-thirds of [the] SDG 8 indicators of progress,” and that “the international community today is almost as far from reaching the targets of SDG 8 as it was in 2015”. The new policy brief and separate report will be presented at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High-level Week in New York, starting 18 September. SDG 8 aims to “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,…
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The International Labour Organization goes Open Access
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has implemented an Open Access policy that will make the use of all its knowledge products easier. The launch of the ILO Open Access policy supports the fundamental ethic that results of publicly funded research or work should be made available to the public to use, with the goal of increasing accessibility, visibility and impact. As of 3 May 2023, all new ILO knowledge products will be freely available for use or reuse without needing to request permission – as long as ILO is cited…
Read MoreNew UN survey on migrant workers with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression in South-East Asia
Migration is giving workers in South-East Asia with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expression (SOGIE) a higher quality of life. However, they still experience discrimination at multiple levels, a new UN study found. The new report titled “A very beautiful but heavy jacket: The experiences of migrant workers with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression in South-East Asia ” was released today by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in collaboration with the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and Edge Effect. The…
Read MoreFirst international treaty to address violence and harassment comes into force
The first international treaty on violence and harassment in the world of work came into force on June 25th 2021 – two years after it was adopted by the ILO’s International Labour Conference (ILC). To date, six countries have ratified the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190) – Argentina, Ecuador, Fiji, Namibia, Somalia and Uruguay. Ratifying countries are legally bound by the provisions of the Convention a year after ratification. Together with Recommendation No. 206 , Convention No. 190 recognizes the right of everyone to a world of work free…
Read MoreILO announces winners of the 2020 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration and Fair Recruitment
To mark 2020s International Migrants Day on 18 December the International Labour Organization (ILO) announced the four winners of its 2020 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration. The ILO received more than 290 entries from 67 countries. An independent panel of five judges reviewed the entries based on the criteria of creativity, accuracy and balance, protection of migrants and positive portrayal of labour migration. The competition aims to promote quality reporting on labour migration issues, as balanced and ethical reporting can play an important role in addressing stereotypes and misconceptions,…
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