New Meatless Campaign Targets Vital Importance of Kidneys to Overall Health

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) is partnering with The Monday Campaigns’ global public health initiatives, which include Meatless Monday, to encourage Americans to make healthier changes to their diets. Studies suggest that incorporating meatless options into an overall balanced diet may help slow the progression of kidney disease.  With a catchy promotional campaign and research drawing the connection between overall good health and the vital role kidneys play, this collaborative effort encourages Americans to think about meatless options as a way to help your kidneys. Featuring slogans like “Your kidneys keep…

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New PSA Focuses on African Americans and Kidney Disease, Encourages Organ Donation

For many, spring marks a fresh start. Yet for others, as April – National Donate Life Month and National Minority Health Month – begins, it’s a reminder of the staggering reality and ratio that African Americans are at least three times more likely than Whites to develop end-stage renal disease, most commonly known as kidney failure. This lingering health crisis, its urgency, and the need to solve the problem through living kidney donations versus years of dialysis, are the focal points of a new 60-second video public service announcement produced…

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