Learning from OSCR’s Inquiries: Dominant behaviour in charities

OSCR, the Scottish Regulator releases guidance on problem of dominant behaviour in charities. This is what they have announce on their website: Part of our work as the Scottish Charity Regulator is to carry out inquiries in response to concerns from the public, charity staff and other sources. Reflecting on some of the inquiry cases that we have dealt with recently, we have identified several common themes and lessons that charities, and those who work with charities, can learn from to help improve their governance and avoid potential problems. We…

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OSCR publishes new Sector Overview Report

The Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has published a new Sector Overview Report covering the period up to 31 March 2023. The report uses key facts and figures from our database of charity information to present a profile of income, expenditure, purposes, beneficiaries, activities and operations.  Key figures include: The gross annual income of Scottish charities on the Scottish Charity Register is £14bn The majority of charities (57%) report annual incomes of £0 to £25,000 It is estimated that there are 180,000 trustees of charities on the Scottish charity register, with…

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OSCR publishes new research on Scottish charity sector

New research published by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) sets out the current state of the country’s charity sector. The research reveals: Two thirds of Scotland’s twenty-five thousand registered charities are run entirely by volunteers Charities in Scotland also employ over two hundred thousand staff The majority of charities in Scotland have an income of less than £25,000 per year, with over a third reporting an income of less than £10,000 over the same period Scottish charities have a combined annual income of over thirteen billion pounds, making the sector…

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