Volunteer recruitment still ‘tough’ as survey shows no signs of improvement

The report Present Struggles, Past Origins: Current Challenges in Volunteering Amidst Two Decades of Decline by Nottingham Trent University’s VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory and Pro Bono Economics (PBE) is part of barometer which takes the quarterly temperature of the voluntary sector. More than 560 organisations responded to the latest wave. When the survey last focused on volunteering in Spring 2023, charities reported concerns over decreasing numbers. While the latest barometer does not show significant decline, six in 10 organisations continue to face difficulties in volunteer recruitment and around…

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Workplace volunteering could unlock billions in the UK economy

Workplace volunteering has the potential to boost productivity, improve employees’ wellbeing, and generate billions for the UK economy, according to a new report by Pro Bono Economics (PBE).* The report – ‘Triple dividend: How workplace volunteering can make us happier, healthier and more productive‘ – which has been produced for business volunteering charity Pilotlight, found that net productivity gains of between £1.6 billion – £2.8 billion could be unlocked for the UK economy by expanding workplace volunteering opportunities.** PBE’s analysis revealed that 17 – 23 million employees currently do not…

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Turmoil in local government threatens charity services

As financial distress grips local councils across England, a new report highlights the hidden consequences for charities and the people who rely on them. Councils such as Birmingham City Council are issuing section 114 notices at unprecedented rates, notifying the government that their financial situation is unmanageable, and charities across the country are being hit by the consequences. The report ‘Tethered fortunes: The threat to charities from trouble in local government’ by Pro Bono Economics (PBE) and Nottingham Trent University’s VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory, reveals the depth of…

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‘Gender imbalance at the top of UK charities is holding sector back,’ report finds

The charity sector in the UK is being held back by “male-dominated decision-making” which fails to fairly represent the make-up of the sector’s workforce and service users, according to a new report. Pro Bono Economics (PBE) is calling on sector leaders, charity boards and funders to lead the way in addressing an “under-discussed gender imbalance” in the sector. The new PBE report, titled Women and the charity sector, finds that while women account for more than two-thirds (68%) of the UK sector’s workforce – and contributed £19 billion to the…

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‘Small charities more worried about future as volunteer concerns leap,’ survey finds

Small charities are finding their recovery from the economic difficulties of the past year more challenging than the rest of the sector – as they struggle with a lack of volunteers on top of stretched funding and high demand, according to new research.  The fourth VCSE Sector Barometer, a quarterly survey conducted by Pro Bono Economics (PBE) and Nottingham Trent University’s National VCSE Data and Insights Observatory, has identified an emerging divide between the experience of small charities – those with annual income below £100,000 – and their larger counterparts…

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