Great Map Of Willanthropy To Launch This Remember A Charity Week (9-15 September 2024)

This year’s Remember A Charity Week (9-15 September 2024) will see the launch of an interactive map of legacy giving, showcasing the impact of charitable gifts in Wills across the world. The Great Map of Willanthropy* will display a wide range of charitable services and places that have been funded or supported through gifts in Wills, while also showing what future legacies could achieve.   Remember A Charity Week, now in its 15th year, brings together almost 200 member charities, 900 Campaign Supporters (solicitor firms and Will-writers), wealth advisers, and partners…

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An 11% Rise In Gifts In Wills, With Kind-Hearted Brits Giving To The Greatest Number Of Charities In The Past Decade

Kind-hearted Brits left gifts in Wills to 10,670 different charities last year, the highest number recorded over the past decade, according to research marking the start of Remember A Charity Week. The Smee & Ford data reveals that there were 37,242 charitable estates in 2021, a 10.7% increase on the number reported for 2020. The value of charitable estates increased by nearly £2bn from £17.9bn to £19.8bn, a growth of almost 11%. Gifts in Wills are a critical source of funding for charitable services across the country, raising more than…

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