Study Finds Decrease In Racial Disparity And Increase In Survival Rates In Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Due to Medicaid Expansion

A new study led by Susan G. Komen® Scholars indicates that patients diagnosed with de novo stage 4 breast cancer – also called metastatic breast cancer– had improved survival rates and decreased mortality rates when those patients had access to care. De novo means the breast cancer was stage 4 at the time of diagnosis and had already spread to distant parts of the body. This is the first study that demonstrates not only the improved outcomes due to Medicaid expansion but also indicates a decrease in the rates of…

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Susan G. Komen® and American Bone Health™ Unite on Campaign to Empower Women Through Healthy Living

Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, is teaming up with American Bone Health™ on a unique education campaign to empower women with information about the importance of heathy living for maintaining good life-long breast and bone health. The campaign, sponsored by Amgen, will seek to help women have constructive conversations with their doctor about appropriate screening and diagnosis to understand their evolving risk of breast cancer, bone loss and fracture throughout their life. “We know that as women age, their risk for both breast cancer and bone…

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