TCFDW Launches, Addresses Gender Inequity As Climate Risk

Women in Climate Tech (WiCT) has announced the launch of the TCFDW program with the goal to create a toolkit for use by business and government to assess: Improving investor understanding of the connection of climate change and gender equity through enhanced disclosure; The risks facing net-zero and resilience commitments resulting from gender inequity at all levels; and  Opportunities arising from addressing this inequity and the solutions to address climate change. Asset owners and managers have highlighted the importance of women in corporate boards and leadership positions to improve the financial…

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Women in Climate Tech Launches

The launch of Women in Climate Tech (WiCT) has been announced by the group’s Steering Committee. The organization’s mission is to empower and amplify the voices of women working in this burgeoning industry and to grow the share of females represented who will work on this issue for generations to come. The launch comes at a time of growing interest in climate tech. Venture funding in the industry has increased by 3750% in six years according to “The State of Climate Tech 2020” by PwC. In addition, stimulus incentives coupled…

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