Virginian Agency, The Martin Agency, have reacted to the tragic scenes of Charlottesville, by re-activating an old slogan for Virginia, they told us:
“Like many Virginians, and others around the country, our employees were shaken by the events that took place in Charlottesville this past weekend. So we began thinking about how we could be a part of the conversation to promote tolerance and inclusion in Virginia instead of the rogue, divisive images and messages displayed a few days ago.
The Virginia is for Lovers tourism slogan was created by the precursor to The Martin Agency, Martin & Woltz, in 1969 and our team felt there was a sentiment in that famous slogan that rang particularly true right now.
So the agency approached our friends at Virginia Tourism to get the rare permission to bring back the original logo as a specific response to these recent events because the message, Virginia is for Lovers, is just as relevant today as it was nearly 50 years ago.
That’s why we have the original logo on a sign in front of our building in Shockoe Slip, created a site takeover at and tagged everything with #standforlove
The inclusive business climate in Virginia has been a big part of The Martin Agency’s success during the last 52 years so we felt it only appropriate to remind the world that we believe the Commonwealth we love is welcoming to everyone. “
It’s great to see companies, and especially those within the Marketing industry standing up to hatred and bigotry. It’s bewcvoming more and more important that as an industry we make changes and lead the way in the fight against hatred, bigotry and promote equaliy.