WaterAid is inviting churches and community groups across the UK to support its Christmas Appeal, Future on Tap, so people in the world’s poorest places can unearth a clean, reliable source of water and build a brighter future for themselves. This year, as the UK faces continued restrictions, churches meeting virtually can join together to use WaterAid’s online resources, which include fundraising ideas and youth group activities. WaterAid aims to raise £3 million to help transform thousands of lives in Ethiopia and across the world. If church groups give before…
Read MoreDay: 22 November 2020
Nexstar Media Group Recognized as Winner of the Ad Council’s 2020 Catalyst Award
Nexstar Media Group, Inc. received the 2020 Catalyst Award for their outstanding support of Ad Council public service campaigns over the past year. The Catalyst Award recognizes a communications company that creates strategic programs to advance meaningful social change. Nexstar Media Group, Inc. harnessed their 197 stations across the country to provide exceptional donated media support to Ad Council campaigns last year, with particularly standout support of Project Roadblock, an annual local broadcast TV campaign designed to reduce drunk driving fatalities over the course of the holiday season. The award…
Read MoreOffshore wind majors signal continued commitment to R&D as next stage of the Offshore Wind Accelerator gets the green light
The Carbon Trust has launched the fourth stage of the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), with all industry partners returning to participate and fund collaborative research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects. Partners for Stage 4 are EnBW, Equinor, Ørsted, RWE Renewables (including the former renewables business of innogy), ScottishPower Renewables, Shell, SSE Renewables, and Vattenfall. The OWA has been pioneering industry-led RD&D activity since 2008, having undertaken more than 180 projects internationally. Over this period, rapid cost reductions have led to wide-scale deployment of offshore wind and the levelised cost of energy…
Read MorePRCA announces alva as its Reputation Intelligence Partner
The Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) has announced alva as its exclusive Reputation Intelligence Partner. alva is the leading provider of Reputation Intelligence for businesses in the Fortune 500 and FTSE100. As part of the partnership, alva will provide PRCA members with a range of resources, including regular Reputation Intelligence insights in the PRCA’s weekly newsletter. Francis Ingham MPRCA, Director General, PRCA, said: “I would like to welcome alva to the PRCA family. Never have reputational issues been more important, as companies of all kinds are grappling with the huge changes brought by COVID-19. I am certain that PRCA members will benefit massively…
Read MoreWe Create Experiences campaign brand launches
One Industry One Voice, the coalition of events industry associations and businesses supporting the coordination of individual sector campaigns, are now planning a national and regional media campaign #WeCreateExperiences, aimed at the public and corporate buyers. The campaign planning work started in September and is aiming to launch before the end of the year, subject to the prevailing national situation and any developments in relation to the consumer/business market guidance for events re-opening into 2021. Support for #WeCreateExperiences from across the industry has been huge, including from all key sectors, with 100s…
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