The LEGO Group Celebrates Children’s Unique Curiosity About The Cosmos By Asking Them To Explore Space Their Way

The LEGO Group is harnessing children’s creativity and imagination to show the world what may await us in space. A new global study(1) by the LEGO Group finds that 86 percent of kids are interested in finding new planets, stars and galaxies, and 77 percent want to travel to space. Additionally, more than 3 in 5 (68 percent) children believe there are aliens in space, and 64 percent say they would want to meet one. The LEGO Group, drawing inspiration from the universe for over 50 years, aims to unite…

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Urgent Deployment of Existing Technology Can Get World Close to Net Zero, BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2024 Shows

Although time is running out, BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2024 shows how the world could still achieve the major goal of the Paris Agreement – holding global warming to well below two degrees Celsius and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change – and what it would take to get there. The new report indicates that the speed with which clean technologies and decarbonization of the power sector are scaled up is crucial. The New Energy Outlook 2024, the report published today by research provider BloombergNEF, presents two updated climate…

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DECATHLON’s Near-Term and Net-Zero Targets Validated by the SBTi

DECATHLON is proud to announce that our ambitious Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets have been officially validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The SBTi’s assessment evaluated DECATHLON’s scope 1, 2, and 3 near-term and long-term target ambitions and we are pleased to share that our targets are aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory, representing one of the most ambitious designations available through the SBTi process. Near-Term Science-Based Targets (2030) DECATHLON commits to reducing absolute scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG induced emissions by 42% by 2030 from our 2021…

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BNP Paribas continues to accelerate the financing of low-carbon energies and makes new commitments in its Climate Report 2024

For BNP Paribas, 2023 was marked by a simultaneous acceleration in financing dedicated to low-carbon energy and withdrawal from financing fossil fuel exploration and production. To coincide with the publication of its 2024 Climate Report, the Group has made new commitments in three sectors with high CO2 emissions: air transport, maritime transport and commercial property. The Group stepped up its financial inclusion efforts in 2023 Determined to align its credit portfolio with net zero trajectories and to support the economy in its transition to low-carbon, BNP Paribas is committed to significantly reducing…

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BHF awards £35 million funding to top UK universities

Nine leading universities will benefit from a record £35 million funding injection from us that will help to strengthen world-leading cardiovascular disease research in the UK.  The funding, through the BHF Research Excellence Awards scheme, will support universities to cultivate world-class research environments that encourage collaboration, inclusion and innovation, and enable visionary scientists to drive lifesaving breakthroughs.   After years of disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic and uncertainty over the UK’s association with the Horizon funding programme, the awards give UK cardiovascular disease research a much-needed boost. The funding will enable…

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