The CIPR‘s Artificial Intelligence (#AIinPR) Panel has announced its plans for 2019.
The Panel – Chaired by Stephen Waddington Chart.PR, Hon FCIPR – was created a year ago to explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on public relations practice.
The group has established an international reputation as a centre of excellence for promoting understanding of AI, notably through its research paper Humans Still Needed.
#AIinPR 2019 plans include:
- A further research paper exploring the application of AI to the professions based on a literature and contemporary paper review.
- The launch of the #AIinPR tool website, characterising tools used in PR, classified by function and the application of AI.
- The development of an international network of third-party sources to improve AI knowledge and expertise amongst CIPR members.
- A series of guides on the application of AI in PR and the media.
- Support for CIPR regional and sector groups with #AIinPR content and speakers, following successful events Panel events In Scotland, the North East and London.
The Panel has added Emma Thwaites MCIPR and Laura Richards MCIPR. A full list of Panel members is available on the CIPR website. “
The #AIinPR panel has characterised the impact of AI on public relations in terms of tools and skills. Machines can complement the work of public relations practitioners, reducing admin, improving efficiency and helping us work smarter. This year the expanded panel aims to produce events and learning material for practitioners, and develop a professional network.
Stephen Waddington Chart.PR, Hon FCIPR, Managing Director, Metia, Visiting Professor at Newcastle University, CIPR Artificial Intelligence Panel Chair
The #AIinPR panel is focussing on AI’s power for positive change and advancement within the public relations industry. Far from stealing our jobs, machines can make us better at them. The panel’s work will guide practitioners, of all levels, in adapting skills and learning new ones. Our events, learning materials and case studies will equip members with an understanding of how AI can be successfully applied in PR.
Kerry Sheehan Chart.PR, MCIPR, Global Director of Communications, ABRSM (consulting), CIPR Artificial Intelligence Deputy Chair