Enough is Enough Voter Project is a new political action committee that launches today, working in collaboration with Women’s March Sister Network, with the goal of making violence against women a voting issue. The Enough is Enough Voter Project will focus on candidates in this year’s election who have failed to stand with women on the issue of sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Project is being led by the team that successfully recalled Judge Aaron Persky, who sentenced Stanford swimmer Brock Turner to just 6 months in county jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at a fraternity party.
“It’s time to end a culture that protects the careers of powerful men who abuse women or other survivors, and put this issue before the voters. We are going to put rape culture on the ballot across the country,” says Michele Dauber, who led the Recall Persky campaign and is the Chair of the Board of Enough is Enough Voter Project.
One such candidate is Tennessee State Representative David Byrd, a former high school basketball coach who was recently accused by three women of having sexually abused them when they were ages 15 and 16, while they played for the team he coached. Byrd has not denied the allegations and recently apologized to one of the players for his conduct. Despite bipartisan calls for him to resign, he refused and is currently running for re-election.
“There are numerous politicians who have been accused of serious sexual misconduct or abuse,” according to Emiliana Guereca, Board Member of Enough is Enough Voter Project, and Founder & Executive Director of Women’s March Los Angeles. “It is unacceptable that these men face no meaningful consequences from law enforcement, the government or their political party. We are saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We will vote them out!”
One innovative feature of the Enough is Enough effort is the “Report a Candidate” button on the group’s website, which provides a portal for individuals to share information and links about candidates in local communities who have a poor track record on #MeToo issues. Enough is Enough will look into the reported candidates as possible candidates for voter action.
Enough is Enough is working with pollster Celinda Lake, who has conducted polling on the subject of #MeToo. “Research shows that voters, especially women and younger voters, have very serious doubts about candidates with a history of sexual harassment or violence against women. Yet until now, there really hasn’t been any group that was dedicated to pushing this forward as a voting strategy. I think this is an organization that is filling an important need and that could make a real impact.”
Eleanor Smeal, the President of the Feminist Majority, also lauded the group’s efforts, saying that, “The nomination of someone who has been credibly accused of sexual assault to the Supreme Court, where, if he is confirmed, will rule on the fates and futures of women shows how important it is to ensure that sexual violence is treated seriously and that abusers are held accountable and do not hold public office.”