Ethical Marketing News look to create low price scheduing software for charities and social enterprises

Over Easter weekend this year Hootsuite massively cut its free option for scheduling rendering it effectively useless for many and requiring a £40 a month take up for those wishing to continue. This was used by a lot of small businesses, charities and social endeavours. At the time we notiiced a lot of people in the thid sector having to look around for an alternative, as did we. We felt there were lots of options for charities and small businesses but many felt quite expensive and filled with options that most charities would never use.

We have started speaking to 2 local tech companies about creating a specific system designed specifically fpr charities, third sector companies and small businesses, we hope to make this available on a month by month rolling basis for around £10 a month but we would like to know what people would like from such a service.

What social media streams do you use the most

  • Do you use analytics, if so how
  • How many schedules would be ideal (Hootsuite used to be 30 is now 5)
  • Which featues would be usefull to have – is there anything you would like to see in something like this
  • How much would you be willing to pay – would you rather pay an annual or rolling subscription
  • What would make your life easier on a product like this

We’d love to hear ideas and feedback, we’re just trying to see if we can make this viable as w know many were let down by Hootsuite and it feels a chance to do something tailored to ethical businesses. please contact us with comments or ideas and feedback.



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