Schoolchildren are invited to join the nationwide Fairtrade movement in baking fun, tasty gingerbread biscuits for Christmas. Their gingerbread creations will be sold to raise money to support projects to bring Fairtrade to more farmers and workers, and to deepen the difference Fairtrade makes to their lives.
Many of the farmers and workers growing spices like ginger, cinnamon and vanilla don’t earn enough money to support their own families. These spices are often grown on small family farms and making a stable income is fraught with challenge. By using Fairtrade spices and learning about where they come from, schoolchildren in the UK can help make a difference.
Jo Millis, Education Campaigns Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation, said;
“Baking is a great way for people to get together. Schools, pupils, parents and communities can join in and Bake A Difference to help support the farmers and workers around the world producing things we often take for granted. We’ve got a great fundraising pack full of resources, a recipe and stencils to help more schools raise money by making gingerbread!”
A tried and tested Fairtrade recipe has been devised at the Fairtrade Foundation HQ, and there’s fun stencils to help children make perfect gingerbread. An assembly plan, factsheets and even a board game gives teachers some excellent supporting materials to help pupils learn all about Fairtrade.
Schools can order fundraising packs from the Fairtrade Foundation’s Schools website.
The Fairtrade Foundation campaigns for better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Many of those who produce our food do not receive a fair share of the value of their produce, leaving them unable to feed their own families. This is why Fairtrade exists.
To find out more and get your hands on the fundraising materials check out the Fairtrade schools website.