On November 23, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA) approved renewed funding to: CDP, to expand its Matchmaker platform to Chilean cities to help grow the capacity of cities to advance sustainable, equitable urban infrastructure; The Nature Conservancy, to engage with emerging technology companies developing sensor-based technologies to monitor conditions for conservation needs in US coastal regions; Fair Trade USA, to develop geospatial farm analysis and coaching systems to enable mapping of environmental impacts such as deforestation and carbon capture on Fair Trade Certified farms across the Americas; Wildlife Conservation Society, to support the establishment of the Purus-Madeira Interfluve Conservation Mosaic, a high-biodiversity intact forest region in the Brazilian Amazon; and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y), to support First Nations-led caribou conservation in British Columbia, Canada.
MCFA ratified continuing grants to: Forest Trends, to address water security issues in Moquegua, Peru through capacity building for natural infrastructure restoration solutions in local communities; Equitable Origin, for the promotion of the Center for Strengthening the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, an online resource, now with over 2,800 users, aimed at supporting Indigenous Peoples in asserting their rights and interests in the context of natural resource development; The Environmental Fellows Program, which is jointly administered by the Environmental Grantmakers Association and the Yale School of the Environment and has provided a stream of over 130 professionals into the environmental workforce; and Earth Rangers, the kids’ conservation organization, whose environmentally-focused-app has attracted over 100,000 users who have undertaken more than 250,000 eco-friendly activities to help protect the planet.
MCFA’s mission encompasses biodiversity conservation, environmental education, environmental justice and sustainable development, and it is one of several means through which Mitsubishi Corporation is working to generate societal and environmental value.
The Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas, based in New York City, was established 1991 with funding from Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan, and its U.S.-based subsidiary, Mitsubishi International Corporation. MCFA is currently supported by Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas). Since its establishment, MCFA has dedicated over $13 million to environmental causes throughout the Americas.