Mondi, introduces its latest e-commerce innovation. The BCoolBox is a 100% recyclable and reliable packaging solution to keep perishable food cool while in transit. With this product innovation, food stays fresh from the store to the consumer or a pick-up station and offers online retailers the opportunity to expand their geographical reach for deliveries.
Benefits of BCoolBox
- Corrugated packaging solution with thermo-insulation keeps food chilled below
7° celsius for up to 24 hours without using a cooling truck - Inner corrugated panels enclose the shipment from all sides, providing enhanced insulation
- Ability to use different cooling agents
- Made entirely from recycled material and 100% recyclable
The Covid-19 pandemic has boosted the e-grocery business. During the 2020 European lockdown, 28% of people in urban areas used online shopping as their main channel for buying groceries – a 10% increase compared to before the pandemic. Furthermore, 80% of European consumers who started buying groceries online plan to continue doing so.
We are proud to introduce a reliable solution that is proven to handle all the challenges that online food retailers face. After having tested various scenarios, we came up with a formula for the perfect composition. BCoolBox means cooling trucks are no longer needed to transport food and we can play our part in reducing food waste.
Sofia Backstrom, Product Innovation Manager e-commerce at Mondi
The new BCoolBox is the sustainable alternative for delivering fresh food to consumers.